Nanner Ice Cream

Woke up with ice cream on my mind, which is a common occurrence. I’ve been wanting to get an ice cream maker and until I actually purchase one I’ll be making banana ice cream for dayyzzz.

Last time I made this ice cream I processed raw almonds and dried cranberries. This time around I did that but used my own dried cranberries. For the cranberries I did a very low and long oven bake of fresh cranberries, they didn’t turn out like I was expecting but they worked. I pulsed raw almonds, dried cranberries and salt. In the past few years I’ve tended to shy away from salt because I didn’t want to consume too much sodium. Since progressing my skillz in the kitchen I’ve realized salt is extremely important to draw out flavors, but making sure you add the right amount and not going overboard is key. Of course chocolate needed to happen, I mixed maple syrup and cocoa powder to create a sauce. It was delicious.

Now it’s nanner time, I had a huge tub of frozen ripe bananas that I let thaw for a few minutes. After pulsing for a minute I added the cranberry almond mixture and chocolate sauce. Another minute with my pequeno food processor and the mixture was a perfect consistency. I folded in old fashion oats because…healthy.

I did another batch with just the almond cranberry mixture, maple syrup and oats…hmm I like food. Okay bye.

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