Sweet Potato & Black Bean Burger Night

The third peapod is in town for the weekend!!!! Which is always the best thing in the world. On Friday night we wanted to make some dinner, Elaine’s idea was to make veggie burgers. After doing much Pinteresting she found the perfect recipe . We went off Cookie Kate’s blog with this Sweet Potato & Black Bean Veggie Burger .

First things first we went to my favorite Fresh Market Place down the street and picked up everything we needed. When we got home we threw the sweet potatoes in the oven to get it started…then we cut up cheese and poured ourselves a nice heafty glass of wine.

We prepped the other ingredients while the potatoes were cooking. Chopping garlic, onion and cilantro.  Blending up some old fashioned oats, and measuring up everything. If you want to know all the ingredients or instructions…read her recipe 🙂  I put my patty on a bed of kale (so granola) and Elaine put hers on a bun!! So amazingly great especially with the guacamole.

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